Pitaya-based recipe
In these times when we miss the spring that we lost due to the sad current circumstances, nothing comes better than a delicious dessert with our pitaya recipe and a fruit salad with high nutritional value.
So in today’s recipe, we are going to teach you how to prepare a delicious pitaya with fruit salad. We started!
First of all, we are going to see the ingredients we need.
- 4 Pitayas 😋
- 100 ml of muscatel wine 🍾
- 1 Red apple 🍎
- 1 Mango 🥭
- 1 Kiwi 🥝
- 1 Banana 🍌
- 3 Oranges 🍊🍊🍊
- 50gr of cherries 🍒
Once we have the ingredients, let’s start with the preparation of this delicious dish.
First of all, we are going to put the muscat in a saucepan, we put it over medium heat. We leave it for a few minutes and remove the saucepan from the heat when the volume of the muscatel is reduced by half.
Then, we make a juice with the 3 oranges. It can be squeezed manually or with a mixer. After the muscat has cooled, add the juice and mix very well until the mixture is homogeneous.
Now it’s time to work with the rest of the fruit. We wash it very well and peel the mango, banana and kiwi. We take the peeled fruit and the apple and cut it into slices and sticks. Also, if we want to give it a slightly acidic flavor, we can add a few drops of lemon on all the fruit.
We go on to work with the main ingredient. We cut the pitaya trying to remove all its meat into balls or cylinders using a punch. A large and careful spoon is also good for us.
We distribute the muscat with orange at the bottom of each pitaya, place the chopped fruit on top and … We already have our delicious dessert!

We can also add other dressings such as Cream or Greek Yogurt on top to give it that cloying touch. If you want more recipes, don’t forget to look at our blog where you will find other tasty articles 😉.
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